
Enterprise Integration

Create your application faster than ever before!

Enterprise Integration

Rethink how you centralize, manage, and govern the flow of data

Hybrid Cloud Integration

The best of both worlds for digital transformation at your fingertips

By offering a highly responsive hybrid IT environment with seamless connection, SNSKIES facilitates your company’s journey toward digital transformation. To increase process effectiveness and system interoperability, we guarantee that your legacy systems are compatible with contemporary applications. We put you in the best possible position to implement a cloud-first strategy that is centered on the hybrid cloud.

Additionally, SNSKIES gives your newest applications the software agility they need to work together with legacy systems and produce outstanding digital experiences. Simply put, SNSKIES Hybrid Integration Services assist you in maximizing the potential of a wide range of technologies. While coordinating your cloud-first strategy with corporate objectives, you can streamline your integration process.

Why hybrid cloud integration is the need of the hour

  • Ease and efficiency of implementation
    Manage different integration scenarios with ease and effectiveness by using a user-friendly web-based console that doesn’t require complicated on-premise installation.
  • Increased business flexibility
    Connect all of your systems, including those of external partners, and make it possible for business users to easily access them at the appropriate time.
  • Collaborating for customer happiness
    Analyze a large amount of historically challenging to handle customer-related data to determine what customers want and when they want it.
  • Protecting customer data
    Create access-based user controls and strict protocols to protect critical enterprise or customer data and ensure regulatory compliance.

Think hybrid integration platform with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Leverage iPaaS – with configurable custom integrations, automatic de-provisioning of cloud resources, and real-time business insights from legacy systems.
  • Enable legacy system modernization – with the flexibility to adopt full modernization or follow a swappable approach to build incremental replaceable components
  • Eliminate time-consuming and expensive process automation efforts across multiple cloud providers and integrate all cloud instances under one controllable environment.
  • Streamline the dynamic request fulfillment provisioning process across your technology landscape
  • Increase OPEX while managing cloud resources from different environments

Turn integration pain-points into business opportunities

  • Complexities in application messaging between on-premise and cloud-based systems

    We offer a hybrid cloud architecture that serves as a reliable facilitator for the secure transmission of data and messages. Whether using cloud to on-premise, on-premise to cloud, or cloud to cloud integrations, you can make use of a combination of two different technologies.

  • Issues in supporting effective real-time multi-sourcing

    We are the ideal hybrid integration to help you integrate your cloud resources with on-premise applications. You can assume control of a large network of service providers and integrate it in both directions for seamless synchronization.

  • Traditional integration approach that hampers your drive towards innovation

    With contemporary API-led connectivity and microservices-based service administration, we assist you in creating a hybrid integration center. You may now develop quickly and move quickly toward a digital environment without experiencing any interruptions to your operation.

Our Hybrid Cloud Integration Services & Solution Offerings

  • Consulting Services
    • PaaS Maturity Assessment
    • iPaaS Advisory Consulting
    • Hybrid Cloud Consulting
  • Implementation Services
    • iPaaS/ Cloud Integration Services
    • ESB to iPaaS Migration Services
    • Hybrid Integration Platform
    • Legacy Middleware Modernization
  • Managed Services
    • Operations Support
    • Migration Support
    • 24×7 Dedicated Support

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

API-led Integration Services

Adapt, innovate, and take control of your API journeys

SNSKIES assists businesses in managing the entire API lifetime and establishing the quickest and safest route to digital transformation. To swiftly establish new APIs, we use a centralized platform for maintaining, publishing, and creating APIs. You may install APIs at any time with the help of our API Management and Integration Services, which use code-free development tools to provide you the power of flexibility, scalability, and reusability.

At every level of the API lifecycle, from design and monetization consultancy to integration, analytics, and managed support, SNSKIES enhances your API lifecycle. Additionally, we make sure you have complete security and authentication capabilities so you can adhere to legal requirements.

Think hybrid integration platform with SNSKIES if you are looking to

The whole nine yards of API lifecycle management

  • Accelerated business outcomes

    Automate the coordination of internal and external systems to improve business agility and enable faster rollouts of new services.

  • Connected network ecosystem

    To increase openness and communication, link all of your internal systems to those of your external partners, including your partners, vendors, and consumers.

  • Improved enterprise collaboration

    Automate the coordination of internal and external systems to improve business agility and enable faster rollouts of new services.

  • Higher customer engagement

    Put your business in a position to make data-driven choices that will address client preferences and pain points while producing memorable experiences.

Start your API journey with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Configure real-time API based integration in a hybrid environment, with very minimum business disruption.
  • Access real-time operational analytics for monitoring and troubleshooting uptime issues before they can affect users.
  • Use a single API gateway to test and deploy APIs across your enterprise to maximize the impact of user-centric innovation.
  • Unlock real-time partner engagement and increase ecosystem productivity by setting up third-party access for better workforce collaboration.
  • Provide comprehensive visibility into the lifecycle management of APIs for better business transparency and smarter decision-making.

Maximize API impact – do more with less

    • Costly re-engineering approach, with low scope for scalability Costly re-engineering approach, with low scope for scalability
    • Poor visibility and governance of APIs – We optimize your internal management of APIs with a governance model to cover API identification, versioning, monetizing, and credentialing. Bring more interoperability into your enterprise by making your API initiatives visible and secure.
    • Lack of smooth API orchestration – We empower you to untangle system or application dependencies throughout your API journey while doing away with disparate endpoints that come with excessive abstraction. Create API orchestration layers to automate and reuse basic and critical components

Our API Integration Services & Solutions

  • API Consulting Services
    • API Integration Strategy
    • API Integration Design
    • API Monetization
  • Implementation Services
    • Cloud API based management
    • API Management Services
    • API Analytics
    • API-Led Connectivity
  • Managed Services
    • API Managed Services
    • API Life Cycle Governance

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

Master Data Management Services & Solutions

Rethink how you centralize, manage, and govern the flow of data

With a consolidated data management center, SNSKIES Systems assists you in streamlining your business and consumer data. All of your data points may be modelled, matched, synchronized, cleaned up, and enhanced across various systems and apps to improve internal performance and the customer experience. You can effortlessly handle the infinite amount of data and guarantee consistency and correctness with the help of our master data management services and solutions.

SNSKIES makes sure that your data structure is streamlined to provide simpler data governance and give your users more accountability and the ability to make the best customer decisions more rapidly. We ensure that your data management strategy and business objectives are well aligned.

In-depth data insights for better experiences

  • Manage data management expenses

    By combining all pertinent sources into a single, integrated master data platform, you can reduce the time and expense associated with managing resources to handle the expanding volume of data.

  • Ensure high-quality data, always

    Continuously improve the quality of your customer master data to receive intuitive, data-rich insights that will help you provide memorable experiences in real time.

  • Avoid missteps with inaccurate data

    By automating the removal of data duplication, you can remove data discrepancies and prevent delay or confusion during the retrieval process.

  • Improve business decision-making

    Make wiser business decisions, from resolving change requests to executing marketing campaigns, to improve the customer experience and foster brand loyalty.

Consolidate and manage your data with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Model and managing master data domains by defining validation, enrichment, and matching policies
  • Deploy the models in MDM repository to identify which source systems are allowed to interact,
  • Design processes that enable data to quickly and smoothly flow between MDM system and your integrated source systems.
  • Control the flow of information across your enterprise by resolving data duplicates, fixing data entry issues, and rectifying inaccurate data inputs.
  • Create a centralized copy of your data so that you can eradicate any possible “data bounce” effect.

No more data unreliability – know when and what works

  • Unable to personalize customer care

    We give you a 360-degree overview of all your customer data from all relevant sources in a single glance so you can obtain insightful sales and marketing data. Knowing what your customers desire can help you speak to them personally.

  • Growing cost of integrating new systems

    We make it easier to incorporate additional data endpoints while reducing integration complexity. Get a proactive data hub that is centralized and eliminate direct point-to-point connections.

  • Irregular data consistency across the enterprise

    We remove redundant or inaccurate data and offer intelligent processes for data viewing, manual approval, or rejection by authorized users. Expand your company without being concerned about the reliability and accuracy of your data

  • Suspectable to regulatory compliance risks

    We implement a comprehensive MDM data governance plan that guarantees you abide by legal requirements and produces timely reporting. No matter the environment, run numerous systems, applications, and technologies without taking any risks.

Our MDM Services & Solutions Offerings

  • MDM Consulting Services
    • Master Data Management Strategy
    • Master Data Management Consulting
    • Customer Data Management Consulting
    • MDM Master Data Hub Architecture Consulting
    • MDM Advisory Consulting
    • Data Architecture Consulting
  • MDM Implementation Services
    • Cloud API based management
    • API Management Services
    • API Analytics
    • API-Led Connectivity
  • Managed Services
    • Data Migration Services
    • Data Consolidation Services
    • Data Governance Services
    • Customer 360 view
    • UDS (Unified Data Store) services
    • MDM Integration Services
    • Customer MDM Services

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

EDI/ B2B Integration Services & Solutions

Reinventing the B2B ecosystem in the digital age

In order to uncover untapped opportunities and maximize partnership outcomes, SNSKIES improves your capacity to integrate business operations with both new and existing B2B Trading Partners. By synchronizing and automating Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) procedures, we provide you complete control over the electronic data that is sent from one system to another. The finest communication protocols, including ANSI X12, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS, and HL7 standards, form the foundation of our EDI/B2B Integration Services.

Additionally, SNSKIES has the know-how to support you in re-engineering current EDI solutions in accordance with industry best practices. We help your EDI systems become flexible, economical, and incredibly reliable.

Making EDI integration count where it matters

    • Cost reduction across the border

      Utilize a centralized technological platform to reduce the expense of managing partners such as manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and other customers through manual interactions.

    • Operational agility and scalability

      Connect as many systems and apps as you like, and use shared administrative infrastructure and interfaces to proactively address operational difficulties.

    • Cleaner and smarter data

      Real-time data validation against your business standards will guarantee that the data being transmitted over the network is always accurate and accessible.

    • Faster partner onboarding mechanism

      By automating partner onboarding procedures with strict role-based authentication requirements, you may expand your trade partner network.

Our EDI/ B2B Integration Service & Solution Offerings

  • B2B Integration Consulting Services
    • B2B API integration
    • B2B partner onboarding
    • B2B Integration Architecture
    • B2B integration strategy
  • B2B Integration Implementation Services
    • Trading Partner Management
    • Solution on all industry specific standards (X12, EDIFACT, HL7, RosettaNet and Tradacoms)
    • Support trading partner communications – AS2 (Drummond certified), FTP/Secure FTP, or Web Services using SOAP or HTML
  • Managed Services
    • B2B Managed Services

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

Data Integration Services

Integrate, improve, and let your data do the talking

SNSKIES gives you the tools you need to handle a variety of data types coming from your systems, databases, data warehouses, digital data, offline data, and even your applications and systems. To prevent data silos and guarantee that the appropriate information is made available to the appropriate user, we provide a single method for integrating all the data into a single hub. With the help of our Data Integration Services & Solutions, you can maximize the value of your data, improving both operational effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

Building a proactive, data-first enterprise

  • Make the information flow more efficient

    Real-time integration of all your systems, apps, and data warehouses will provide you a single 360-degree picture of your business and customer data.

  • Make cross-team communication more seamless.

    Without incurring significant investments or completely reengineering your current IT systems, establish critical data touchpoints to improve team collaboration and productivity.

  • Amass useful customer insights

    Analyze a tone of customer-related data tremendous determine what they want and when they want it, and then use intuitive insights to anticipate their needs.

  • Increase competition in the market

    Utilize data management to efficiently handle high sales volumes, keep on top of your billing responsibilities, and seize development possibilities.

Integrate your enterprise data with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Using a metadata management strategy, create a workable ecosystem that enhances the ongoing standardization and reuse of data assets.
  • Regularly analyze data to increase business agility and be ready to fire in the face of rapidly shifting market needs.
  • Improve the quality and accuracy of information while cost-effectively managing complicated integration frameworks with various data sources.
  • Use access controls that can be monitored, changed, and simplified regularly to avoid requiring too much manual intervention to manage compliance and ensure data accuracy.
  • Establish a single hub to control various integration speeds in accordance with industry requirements and lower infrastructure upkeep costs.

Cross operational barriers with a data-rich ecosystem

  • Weak internal data security guidelines

    We make sure that all relevant individuals have access to the data that moves through your company without any silos or leaks. Utilize top-notch identity and access management procedures to safeguard the information in your organization.

  • Data integrity issues

    Your data sets are cleaned up of mistakes and discrepancies by us, ensuring that no detail is missed while data is transferred between systems. Enable protocols that verify new data sources to ensure the integrity of all data.

  • Data management takes too much time and effort.

    We streamline the way your systems gather, process, and package time-sensitive data so that it is readily available and useable. To save human intervention and related expenses, keep your staff only a few clicks away from data assets.

  • Decentralized insights from business intelligence

    To micro-assess specifics like worker performance, client behavior, asset uptime, and process efficiency, we synchronize the flow of data. Obtain proactive business intelligence insights to help you make profitable decisions.

Our Data Integration Services & Solution Offerings

  • Data Integration Consulting Services
    • Traditional Data Management
    • Data Strategy and Consultation
    • Data Integration & Re-Engineering
    • Master Data Management
    • Data Integration Strategy
  • Data Integration Implementation Services
    • Data Warehouse, Data Hub, and Data Lake
    • Data migration & integration
    • Modern hybrid data integration hub
    • Data integration for NetSuite, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Success Factors, and AWS

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

Integration Managed Services

Orchestrate digital transformation smoothly with

To help you optimize your IT investments while allowing improved operational efficiency and consistent client experiences, SNSKIES offers the entire range of managed support services. We also provide you the option to scale up or down to meet your company’s needs, ensuring that your firm always gets the appropriate degree of assistance. Our End-to-End Managed Services help you become more flexible and productive in your day-to-day operations; we lighten your staff’s workload while seeing chances to satisfy customers.

SNSKIES provides you with all the tools you need to switch from a reactive to a proactive mode of operation in order to hasten the ongoing digital transformation of your company. We enhance your control room while enhancing asset management, network support, infrastructure upkeep, and support ticketing so that your organization may reach new heights.

Driving transformation from the ground up

  • reate and maintain efficient communication

    Update clients on the general status, progress, and improvements in the support output on a monthly or quarterly basis.

  • Increase SLA effectiveness

    Identify possibilities for continual development while addressing all priority issues in accordance with the SLAs and allocating the appropriate resources on a project-by-project basis.

  • Automate governmental compliance

    Automate your company procedures to address cybersecurity risks immediately while keeping them secure and compliant with regulatory regulations.

  • Act proactively to address important challenges

    Get your customer service staff to consistently communicate with clients about pressing concerns and to offer a high degree of assurance and assistance.

Create a support ecosystem with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Use a scalable and adaptable digital customer engagement approach to proactively contact with customers on support-related issues via reports or calls.
  • Support upcoming technologies like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things while coordinating infrastructure performance with long-term corporate goals.
  • Immediately address governance and security issues using secure processes to reduce the risk of business interruption for your firm.
  • Use hot patches to temporarily repair important problems while concurrently developing a long-term remedy with a deployment-optimized solution.
  • With a single, digital-first support platform that promotes more agility, cooperation, and transparency, go beyond simply ‘keeping the lights on’.

Stay on top of enterprise and customer challenges

  • Support services in silos

    We provide L1, L2, and L3 support maturity and knowledge that spans the full IT stack of your business, including more recent and disruptive technologies like AI and IoT. Ensure that the productivity of all of your technological resources is maximized.

  • Data integrity issues

    Your data sets are cleaned up of mistakes and discrepancies by us, ensuring that no detail is missed while data is transferred between systems. Enable protocols that verify new data sources to ensure the integrity of all data.

  • Reactive notifications and alerts

    We proactively address cybersecurity concerns in order to prevent system-related hazards and system breakdowns before your team is even aware that they have occurred. Without worrying your staff, have peace of mind knowing that your systems will always be operational.

  • Ineffective communication and escalation

    We ensure open communication about any issue that is pending or that requires further information, and if necessary, we start the internal or external escalation process. Streamlined escalation and communication standards will help you keep track of all of your support requests.

  • Changes to the IT ecosystem

    By efficiently tracking the general condition, important advantages and disadvantages of your systems, networks, and applications, you can better comprehend your IT environment. Increase the amount of business disruption and promote continuous process improvement throughout your company.

Our Enterprise Integration Managed Support Service Offerings

  • Level 1 Support
    • Integrity PROD environments interfaces monitoring
    • Problem detection and ticket creation;
    • Ticket acknowledgment
    • Ticket transfer to other systems owners (if necessary)
    • Proactive user notification of issues and a rough timetable for solutions.
  • Level 2 Support
    • Regularly checking Integration PROD environments
    • Finding issues and creating tickets
    • Acknowledging tickets (produced by the system)
    • Reassigning tickets to other system owners (if required)
    • System updates and maintenance
    • Disaster Recovery
    • Escalation to L3 Engineers
    • Ticket Resolution depending on Issue Priority
  • Level 3 Support
    • Issues Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
    • Performance Tuning
    • Change Management
    • Enhancements
    • Code Development
    • Code level Defect Fixes
    • Environment Simulation
    • Version Upgrade/Migration
    • Knowledge Management

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

Hybrid Cloud Integration

The best of both worlds for digital transformation at your fingertips

By offering a highly responsive hybrid IT environment with seamless connection, SNSKIES facilitates your company’s journey toward digital transformation. To increase process effectiveness and system interoperability, we guarantee that your legacy systems are compatible with contemporary applications. We put you in the best possible position to implement a cloud-first strategy that is centered on the hybrid cloud.

Additionally, SNSKIES gives your newest applications the software agility they need to work together with legacy systems and produce outstanding digital experiences. Simply put, SNSKIES Hybrid Integration Services assist you in maximizing the potential of a wide range of technologies. While coordinating your cloud-first strategy with corporate objectives, you can streamline your integration process.

Why hybrid cloud integration is the need of the hour

  • Ease and efficiency of implementation
    Manage different integration scenarios with ease and effectiveness by using a user-friendly web-based console that doesn’t require complicated on-premise installation.
  • Increased business flexibility
    Connect all of your systems, including those of external partners, and make it possible for business users to easily access them at the appropriate time.
  • Collaborating for customer happiness
    Analyze a large amount of historically challenging to handle customer-related data to determine what customers want and when they want it.
  • Protecting customer data
    Create access-based user controls and strict protocols to protect critical enterprise or customer data and ensure regulatory compliance.

Think hybrid integration platform with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Leverage iPaaS – with configurable custom integrations, automatic de-provisioning of cloud resources, and real-time business insights from legacy systems.
  • Enable legacy system modernization – with the flexibility to adopt full modernization or follow a swappable approach to build incremental replaceable components
  • Eliminate time-consuming and expensive process automation efforts across multiple cloud providers and integrate all cloud instances under one controllable environment.
  • Streamline the dynamic request fulfillment provisioning process across your technology landscape
  • Increase OPEX while managing cloud resources from different environments

Turn integration pain-points into business opportunities

  • Complexities in application messaging between on-premise and cloud-based systems

    We offer a hybrid cloud architecture that serves as a reliable facilitator for the secure transmission of data and messages. Whether using cloud to on-premise, on-premise to cloud, or cloud to cloud integrations, you can make use of a combination of two different technologies.

  • Issues in supporting effective real-time multi-sourcing

    We are the ideal hybrid integration to help you integrate your cloud resources with on-premise applications. You can assume control of a large network of service providers and integrate it in both directions for seamless synchronization.

  • Traditional integration approach that hampers your drive towards innovation

    With contemporary API-led connectivity and microservices-based service administration, we assist you in creating a hybrid integration center. You may now develop quickly and move quickly toward a digital environment without experiencing any interruptions to your operation.

Our Hybrid Cloud Integration Services & Solution Offerings

  • Consulting Services
    • PaaS Maturity Assessment
    • iPaaS Advisory Consulting
    • Hybrid Cloud Consulting
  • Implementation Services
    • iPaaS/ Cloud Integration Services
    • ESB to iPaaS Migration Services
    • Hybrid Integration Platform
    • Legacy Middleware Modernization
  • Managed Services
    • Operations Support
    • Migration Support
    • 24×7 Dedicated Support

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

API-led Integration Services

Adapt, innovate, and take control of your API journeys

SNSKIES assists businesses in managing the entire API lifetime and establishing the quickest and safest route to digital transformation. To swiftly establish new APIs, we use a centralized platform for maintaining, publishing, and creating APIs. You may install APIs at any time with the help of our API Management and Integration Services, which use code-free development tools to provide you the power of flexibility, scalability, and reusability.

At every level of the API lifecycle, from design and monetization consultancy to integration, analytics, and managed support, SNSKIES enhances your API lifecycle. Additionally, we make sure you have complete security and authentication capabilities so you can adhere to legal requirements.

Think hybrid integration platform with SNSKIES if you are looking to

The whole nine yards of API lifecycle management

  • Accelerated business outcomes

    Automate the coordination of internal and external systems to improve business agility and enable faster rollouts of new services.

  • Connected network ecosystem

    To increase openness and communication, link all of your internal systems to those of your external partners, including your partners, vendors, and consumers.

  • Improved enterprise collaboration

    Automate the coordination of internal and external systems to improve business agility and enable faster rollouts of new services.

  • Higher customer engagement

    Put your business in a position to make data-driven choices that will address client preferences and pain points while producing memorable experiences.

Start your API journey with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Configure real-time API based integration in a hybrid environment, with very minimum business disruption.
  • Access real-time operational analytics for monitoring and troubleshooting uptime issues before they can affect users.
  • Use a single API gateway to test and deploy APIs across your enterprise to maximize the impact of user-centric innovation.
  • Unlock real-time partner engagement and increase ecosystem productivity by setting up third-party access for better workforce collaboration.
  • Provide comprehensive visibility into the lifecycle management of APIs for better business transparency and smarter decision-making.

Maximize API impact – do more with less

    • Costly re-engineering approach, with low scope for scalability Costly re-engineering approach, with low scope for scalability
    • Poor visibility and governance of APIs – We optimize your internal management of APIs with a governance model to cover API identification, versioning, monetizing, and credentialing. Bring more interoperability into your enterprise by making your API initiatives visible and secure.
    • Lack of smooth API orchestration – We empower you to untangle system or application dependencies throughout your API journey while doing away with disparate endpoints that come with excessive abstraction. Create API orchestration layers to automate and reuse basic and critical components

Our API Integration Services & Solutions

  • API Consulting Services
    • API Integration Strategy
    • API Integration Design
    • API Monetization
  • Implementation Services
    • Cloud API based management
    • API Management Services
    • API Analytics
    • API-Led Connectivity
  • Managed Services
    • API Managed Services
    • API Life Cycle Governance

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

Master Data Management Services & Solutions

Rethink how you centralize, manage, and govern the flow of data

With a consolidated data management center, SNSKIES Systems assists you in streamlining your business and consumer data. All of your data points may be modelled, matched, synchronized, cleaned up, and enhanced across various systems and apps to improve internal performance and the customer experience. You can effortlessly handle the infinite amount of data and guarantee consistency and correctness with the help of our master data management services and solutions.

SNSKIES makes sure that your data structure is streamlined to provide simpler data governance and give your users more accountability and the ability to make the best customer decisions more rapidly. We ensure that your data management strategy and business objectives are well aligned.

In-depth data insights for better experiences

  • Manage data management expenses

    By combining all pertinent sources into a single, integrated master data platform, you can reduce the time and expense associated with managing resources to handle the expanding volume of data.

  • Ensure high-quality data, always

    Continuously improve the quality of your customer master data to receive intuitive, data-rich insights that will help you provide memorable experiences in real time.

  • Avoid missteps with inaccurate data

    By automating the removal of data duplication, you can remove data discrepancies and prevent delay or confusion during the retrieval process.

  • Improve business decision-making

    Make wiser business decisions, from resolving change requests to executing marketing campaigns, to improve the customer experience and foster brand loyalty.

Consolidate and manage your data with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Model and managing master data domains by defining validation, enrichment, and matching policies
  • Deploy the models in MDM repository to identify which source systems are allowed to interact,
  • Design processes that enable data to quickly and smoothly flow between MDM system and your integrated source systems.
  • Control the flow of information across your enterprise by resolving data duplicates, fixing data entry issues, and rectifying inaccurate data inputs.
  • Create a centralized copy of your data so that you can eradicate any possible “data bounce” effect.

No more data unreliability – know when and what works

  • Unable to personalize customer care

    We give you a 360-degree overview of all your customer data from all relevant sources in a single glance so you can obtain insightful sales and marketing data. Knowing what your customers desire can help you speak to them personally.

  • Growing cost of integrating new systems

    We make it easier to incorporate additional data endpoints while reducing integration complexity. Get a proactive data hub that is centralized and eliminate direct point-to-point connections.

  • Irregular data consistency across the enterprise

    We remove redundant or inaccurate data and offer intelligent processes for data viewing, manual approval, or rejection by authorized users. Expand your company without being concerned about the reliability and accuracy of your data

  • Suspectable to regulatory compliance risks

    We implement a comprehensive MDM data governance plan that guarantees you abide by legal requirements and produces timely reporting. No matter the environment, run numerous systems, applications, and technologies without taking any risks.

Our MDM Services & Solutions Offerings

  • MDM Consulting Services
    • Master Data Management Strategy
    • Master Data Management Consulting
    • Customer Data Management Consulting
    • MDM Master Data Hub Architecture Consulting
    • MDM Advisory Consulting
    • Data Architecture Consulting
  • MDM Implementation Services
    • Cloud API based management
    • API Management Services
    • API Analytics
    • API-Led Connectivity
  • Managed Services
    • Data Migration Services
    • Data Consolidation Services
    • Data Governance Services
    • Customer 360 view
    • UDS (Unified Data Store) services
    • MDM Integration Services
    • Customer MDM Services

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

EDI/ B2B Integration Services & Solutions

Reinventing the B2B ecosystem in the digital age

In order to uncover untapped opportunities and maximize partnership outcomes, SNSKIES improves your capacity to integrate business operations with both new and existing B2B Trading Partners. By synchronizing and automating Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) procedures, we provide you complete control over the electronic data that is sent from one system to another. The finest communication protocols, including ANSI X12, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS, and HL7 standards, form the foundation of our EDI/B2B Integration Services.

Additionally, SNSKIES has the know-how to support you in re-engineering current EDI solutions in accordance with industry best practices. We help your EDI systems become flexible, economical, and incredibly reliable.

Making EDI integration count where it matters

    • Cost reduction across the border

      Utilize a centralized technological platform to reduce the expense of managing partners such as manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and other customers through manual interactions.

    • Operational agility and scalability

      Connect as many systems and apps as you like, and use shared administrative infrastructure and interfaces to proactively address operational difficulties.

    • Cleaner and smarter data

      Real-time data validation against your business standards will guarantee that the data being transmitted over the network is always accurate and accessible.

    • Faster partner onboarding mechanism

      By automating partner onboarding procedures with strict role-based authentication requirements, you may expand your trade partner network.

Our EDI/ B2B Integration Service & Solution Offerings

  • B2B Integration Consulting Services
    • B2B API integration
    • B2B partner onboarding
    • B2B Integration Architecture
    • B2B integration strategy
  • B2B Integration Implementation Services
    • Trading Partner Management
    • Solution on all industry specific standards (X12, EDIFACT, HL7, RosettaNet and Tradacoms)
    • Support trading partner communications – AS2 (Drummond certified), FTP/Secure FTP, or Web Services using SOAP or HTML
  • Managed Services
    • B2B Managed Services

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

Data Integration Services

Integrate, improve, and let your data do the talking

SNSKIES gives you the tools you need to handle a variety of data types coming from your systems, databases, data warehouses, digital data, offline data, and even your applications and systems. To prevent data silos and guarantee that the appropriate information is made available to the appropriate user, we provide a single method for integrating all the data into a single hub. With the help of our Data Integration Services & Solutions, you can maximize the value of your data, improving both operational effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

Building a proactive, data-first enterprise

  • Make the information flow more efficient

    Real-time integration of all your systems, apps, and data warehouses will provide you a single 360-degree picture of your business and customer data.

  • Make cross-team communication more seamless.

    Without incurring significant investments or completely reengineering your current IT systems, establish critical data touchpoints to improve team collaboration and productivity.

  • Amass useful customer insights

    Analyze a tone of customer-related data tremendous determine what they want and when they want it, and then use intuitive insights to anticipate their needs.

  • Increase competition in the market

    Utilize data management to efficiently handle high sales volumes, keep on top of your billing responsibilities, and seize development possibilities.

Integrate your enterprise data with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Using a metadata management strategy, create a workable ecosystem that enhances the ongoing standardization and reuse of data assets.
  • Regularly analyze data to increase business agility and be ready to fire in the face of rapidly shifting market needs.
  • Improve the quality and accuracy of information while cost-effectively managing complicated integration frameworks with various data sources.
  • Use access controls that can be monitored, changed, and simplified regularly to avoid requiring too much manual intervention to manage compliance and ensure data accuracy.
  • Establish a single hub to control various integration speeds in accordance with industry requirements and lower infrastructure upkeep costs.

Cross operational barriers with a data-rich ecosystem

  • Weak internal data security guidelines

    We make sure that all relevant individuals have access to the data that moves through your company without any silos or leaks. Utilize top-notch identity and access management procedures to safeguard the information in your organization.

  • Data integrity issues

    Your data sets are cleaned up of mistakes and discrepancies by us, ensuring that no detail is missed while data is transferred between systems. Enable protocols that verify new data sources to ensure the integrity of all data.

  • Data management takes too much time and effort.

    We streamline the way your systems gather, process, and package time-sensitive data so that it is readily available and useable. To save human intervention and related expenses, keep your staff only a few clicks away from data assets.

  • Decentralized insights from business intelligence

    To micro-assess specifics like worker performance, client behavior, asset uptime, and process efficiency, we synchronize the flow of data. Obtain proactive business intelligence insights to help you make profitable decisions.

Our Data Integration Services & Solution Offerings

  • Data Integration Consulting Services
    • Traditional Data Management
    • Data Strategy and Consultation
    • Data Integration & Re-Engineering
    • Master Data Management
    • Data Integration Strategy
  • Data Integration Implementation Services
    • Data Warehouse, Data Hub, and Data Lake
    • Data migration & integration
    • Modern hybrid data integration hub
    • Data integration for NetSuite, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Success Factors, and AWS

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

Integration Managed Services

Orchestrate digital transformation smoothly with

To help you optimize your IT investments while allowing improved operational efficiency and consistent client experiences, SNSKIES offers the entire range of managed support services. We also provide you the option to scale up or down to meet your company’s needs, ensuring that your firm always gets the appropriate degree of assistance. Our End-to-End Managed Services help you become more flexible and productive in your day-to-day operations; we lighten your staff’s workload while seeing chances to satisfy customers.

SNSKIES provides you with all the tools you need to switch from a reactive to a proactive mode of operation in order to hasten the ongoing digital transformation of your company. We enhance your control room while enhancing asset management, network support, infrastructure upkeep, and support ticketing so that your organization may reach new heights.

Driving transformation from the ground up

  • reate and maintain efficient communication

    Update clients on the general status, progress, and improvements in the support output on a monthly or quarterly basis.

  • Increase SLA effectiveness

    Identify possibilities for continual development while addressing all priority issues in accordance with the SLAs and allocating the appropriate resources on a project-by-project basis.

  • Automate governmental compliance

    Automate your company procedures to address cybersecurity risks immediately while keeping them secure and compliant with regulatory regulations.

  • Act proactively to address important challenges

    Get your customer service staff to consistently communicate with clients about pressing concerns and to offer a high degree of assurance and assistance.

Create a support ecosystem with SNSKIES if you are looking to

  • Use a scalable and adaptable digital customer engagement approach to proactively contact with customers on support-related issues via reports or calls.
  • Support upcoming technologies like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things while coordinating infrastructure performance with long-term corporate goals.
  • Immediately address governance and security issues using secure processes to reduce the risk of business interruption for your firm.
  • Use hot patches to temporarily repair important problems while concurrently developing a long-term remedy with a deployment-optimized solution.
  • With a single, digital-first support platform that promotes more agility, cooperation, and transparency, go beyond simply ‘keeping the lights on’.

Stay on top of enterprise and customer challenges

  • Support services in silos

    We provide L1, L2, and L3 support maturity and knowledge that spans the full IT stack of your business, including more recent and disruptive technologies like AI and IoT. Ensure that the productivity of all of your technological resources is maximized.

  • Data integrity issues

    Your data sets are cleaned up of mistakes and discrepancies by us, ensuring that no detail is missed while data is transferred between systems. Enable protocols that verify new data sources to ensure the integrity of all data.

  • Reactive notifications and alerts

    We proactively address cybersecurity concerns in order to prevent system-related hazards and system breakdowns before your team is even aware that they have occurred. Without worrying your staff, have peace of mind knowing that your systems will always be operational.

  • Ineffective communication and escalation

    We ensure open communication about any issue that is pending or that requires further information, and if necessary, we start the internal or external escalation process. Streamlined escalation and communication standards will help you keep track of all of your support requests.

  • Changes to the IT ecosystem

    By efficiently tracking the general condition, important advantages and disadvantages of your systems, networks, and applications, you can better comprehend your IT environment. Increase the amount of business disruption and promote continuous process improvement throughout your company.

Our Enterprise Integration Managed Support Service Offerings

  • Level 1 Support
    • Integrity PROD environments interfaces monitoring
    • Problem detection and ticket creation;
    • Ticket acknowledgment
    • Ticket transfer to other systems owners (if necessary)
    • Proactive user notification of issues and a rough timetable for solutions.
  • Level 2 Support
    • Regularly checking Integration PROD environments
    • Finding issues and creating tickets
    • Acknowledging tickets (produced by the system)
    • Reassigning tickets to other system owners (if required)
    • System updates and maintenance
    • Disaster Recovery
    • Escalation to L3 Engineers
    • Ticket Resolution depending on Issue Priority
  • Level 3 Support
    • Issues Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
    • Performance Tuning
    • Change Management
    • Enhancements
    • Code Development
    • Code level Defect Fixes
    • Environment Simulation
    • Version Upgrade/Migration
    • Knowledge Management

Managed SSP FAQs

A managed security service involves outsourcing an organization's security needs to a specialized provider, ensuring robust and up-to-date protection against cyber threats.

An MSSP can offer:

  • Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Patch Management
  • Anti-Virus (AV) and Anti-Spam
  • Firewalls (UTMs, NGFWs)
  • VPN
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Threat Intelligence

Benefits include:

  • Access to expert security professionals and technologies
  • Cost savings on in-house security staff and infrastructure
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Allows internal IT staff to focus on core business tasks
  • Quick and effective incident response
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): Focuses on managing IT services like network management and IT support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): Specializes in comprehensive cybersecurity services, including threat detection and incident response.


  1. Assesses security risks and gaps
  2. Implements necessary security solutions
  3. Continuously monitors for threats
  4. Manages security systems with updates and patches
  5. Provides detailed security reports
  6. Offers 24/7 support and expertise

Contact Us

Get in touch at or via the contact form and we will contact you shortly.

SNSKIES has an exceptional blend of people, deep domain expertise, and technology capabilities to help you generate top-line growth

Market Experience

15+ years of Extended Experience.

Customer Success

50+ solutions developed and deployed.

Research Focused

5+ R&D Labs for growth and research.